In spring of 2020, Wilderness Awakening sprang as a response to the growing need for nature connection and community.

We believe that fostering relationships with the natural world is the most powerful healer and teacher. To cultivate familiarity and respect for our surrounding plants and animals brings about a sense of belonging and trust for the natural order of the world. Our work serves to empower individuals to tune in to their inner compass through mindfulness practices, to speak their truth, and stand for what is called upon in their lives, communities, and world. We draw inspiration from the elements to revitalize our bodies, minds and spirits. Wilderness Awakening offerings are spacious, allowing for spontaneity, co-creation, and magic.

Wilderness Awakening offers experiences for children and adults alike, through retreats, classes, camps and workshops.

Meet the Team

Julia Beasley
Founder & Guide

Julia is Founder and Director of Wilderness Awakening. She is an educator and lover of all things natural and wild, children and women included! She is the descendant of a long lineage of teachers and artists. From Minneapolis, she had summers to run barefoot and live in her swim suit at her grandparent’s cabin in NW Wisconsin. As a teen with her primary school teacher mother and sister, they ran a summer camp, Wild Girls in the Woods for 5 years.

After many adventures, including motorcycling 3,000 miles to Alaska, crossing the Atlantic Ocean twice in small sailboats, and building and living in a Mongolian yurt on an organic farm in rural France for a year, she came back to her roots to share her teachings. For five years she co-directed a Keiki* Camp at Spirit Weaver’s Gathering, an international women gathering to share skills, knowledge and mentorship in the Pacific Northwest.

Julia was a founding guide and taught many years at Heartwood Montessori, a small community based school in NE Minneapolis, before stepping away from the classroom and into the heart of the woods. She offers a unique presence to women, families and children stemming from her background of many years of education, camp organizing and personal adventures trusting the wild. Outside of teaching, Julia has certifications within Reiki, Tantra Yoga, Forest Bathing and is a birth doula!

“A while back Evzen asked me if witches were good or bad. I talked about how witches are really good and they are usually people who just know how to heal with plants, energy and work with our Mother Nature. They have very strong intuition. They believe in their abilities. He paused and said ‘I think Miss Julia is a witch.’

-Danielle Tucker